Staging McGahern 2017

We are proud to present, under licence with ‘The Agency (London) Ltd., a production which dramatises two of McGahern’s short stories. The experience of loss and yearning forms the core of both of these plays staged in the Theatre@36 in the Teachers Club, Dublin. ‘A Slip Up’ concerns a couple who have given up their […]

By the Bog of Cats Workshop

By the Bog of Cats Auditions

Geraldine Maguire will be holding auditions for the Shakes’ summer production of ‘By the Bog of Cats‘ by Marina Carr. The dates and times for the auditions are as follows: Monday 13th March, 7:30pm Tuesday 14th March, 7:30pm Monday 20th March, 7:30pm Tuesday 21st March, 7:30pm Venue: Teachers’ Club, 36, Parnell Square (West) The production […]

Coming soon from Dublin Shakespeare Society

Planned Events

Major Autumn Production Auditions for the Shakes Autumn production of Antony and Cleopatra to be directed by James M. O’Connor have commenced and a rehearsal schedule will soon be drawn up.    The show will run from 13th November for one week and it is expected that rehearsals will commence in September And there are rehearsed readings […]

Monday Night in a Country Town

Monday Night in a Country Town

The theme for the Rehearsed Readings this year is: DIRECTOR’S CHOICE COMEDIES and the season kicks off with Tom O’Brien’s “Monday Night in a Country Town” Monday Night In A Country Town is a moving parody of Oirish rural drama. When the neighbour’s husband dies, Old Mikey decides it’s high time that his son took […]

Joe Orton @ Dublin Shakespeare

Entertaining Mr. Orton

Auditions for the next Rehearsed Reading  “Entertaining Mr. Orton” directed by Jim Martini will be held in the Teachers’ Club at 7.00 on Wednesday, 24th May. The Reading will take place on 24 June.

Dr Emilie Pine Special Guest

Bog of Cats – Special Guest

Wonderful news to add to this thrilling production: There will be a post show discussion of ‘By the Bog of Cats…’ on Wednesday 14th June, facilitated by Louis Byrne. Our special guest Dr Emilie Pine, Lecturer/Assistant Professor, School Of English, Drama & Film, University College Dublin will comment on the production which will then lead in to a […]

By the Bog of Cats

Under licence from The Agency London, Dublin Shakespeare Society proudly present this amateur production of By the Bog of Cats Marina Carr Directed by Geraldine Maguire Download A4 Poster Cast The scorn of Hester Swayne, a woman abandoned once and discarded later, threatens a whole community as she awaits her mother’s return to the Bog […]

DDS Orton Jim Martini

Entertaining Mr. Orton

Please note: SEATING IS UNRESERVED Please attend early to ensure you are admitted. No late admissions.

Extra Rehearsed Reading

In addition to the schedule of rehearsed reading already published, we have a surprise extra reading, details to follow, but keep August 26th free to come and be entertained!


AGM 2017

This year’s AGM will be on Thursday 19th October. As usual, we hope to have a short piece of entertainment on the night immediately following the meeting – more details to follow closer to the time. Please mark the date in your diaries!